A Tragic Story of How One Woman Lost Her Arm

What was meant to be an ordinary press conference in the White House ended up in bloodshed when one journalist just couldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. It all started when Jim Acosta, the chief White House correspondent of CNN, abruptly took a stand to ask President Trump a question about the incoming caravan. Trump pitied the arrogant journalist and answered his question with the dignity and grace of a gazelle. However, one question simply wasn’t enough for this greedy reporter. After having received an honest and sensible answer, Acosta proceeded to badger President Trump with a flurry of unrelated inquiries. Though often prided on his abundance of patience, Trump felt it was only fair that a new reporter should have the opportunity to ask his question. He motioned for a young White House intern to take the microphone away from Acosta and lend it to the next deserving journalist.

It was clear, however, by his apparent black belt and his rusty Sai that Acosta came prepared to fight. As the White House intern peacefully reached for the microphone, Acosta chopped her arm in one fell swoop. The crowd of reporters and journalists were aghast as they saw the intern’s arm fall straight to the floor. Blood splattered on neighboring correspondents and the separated limb became a spectacle at which no one could avert their eyes. After the brief wave of shock passed through the room, the White House filled up with shrieks of fear and panic. As cries were heard throughout, Acosta remained standing with the microphone in his hand, unfazed from the onslaught that had just taken place.